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Coton de Tulear Breeders of Excellence are located throughout America and Canada. Our Code of Ethics Breeders are listed in alphabetical order by location. Please click on their individual website, blog and email links to visit each experienced Breeder and learn more about the Coton de Tulear breed, their Coton puppies and future litter plans. Breeders of Excellence designated as "Emeritus" have retired from breeding Cotons, but due to their abiding interest and passion for the breed they remain active in several other areas of the Coton de Tulear community. Scroll down to view puppy availability.


Rock-A-Bye Cotons
Maureen Hanlon
Tucson, Arizona
Phone: 520-404-7751
Email: Maureen@Rockabyecotons.com
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Two beautiful Coton puppies ready for new homes in early February


Rockabye Cotons

Payzac Cotons
Joanne Mouryas
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Phone: 416-282-9253
Email: payzaccotons@hotmail.com
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Puppies available to approved homes

Payzac Cotons

Egyptian Cotons
Tracy and Kent McKown
Herrin, Illinois
Phone: 618.925.1529
Email: tracym@riverradio.net
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Egyptian Cotons expects a litter in early April. Potential homes must complete our Puppy Questionnaire before being considered or added to our wait list.


Egyptian Cotons

Fluffy Acres Cotons
Connie Fox
Northbrook, Illinois
Email: fluffyacrescotondetulear@gmail.com
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Breeder Emeritus


Fluffy Acres Cotons

Morninglow Cotons
Leslie and Emilio Machado
Northbrook, Illinois
Email: leslie@morninglowcotons.com
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Morninglow Cotons

Sweet as Sugar Cotons
Sylvia Vedral
Lakemoor, Illinois
Phone: 847-772-3948
Email: sylvia207@mac.com
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Sweet As Sugar Cotons

Windy City Coton
Gayle Geldermann
Chicago's North Shore, Illinois
Phone: 847-256-4639
Email: windycitycoton@gmail.com

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Windy City Cotons

Nan Lou Brown
Indianapolis, Indiana
Phone: 865-308-2459
Email: cotons@cotonica.com

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Coton de Tulear of Tara
Carol Hughes
Burleson, Texas
Phone: 817-295-4046
Email: taractns@cotondog.com
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Breeder Emeritus

Coton de Tulear of Tara

Shiloh Cotons
Kellie Bruce
Granbury, Texas
Phone: 817-946-5645
Email: Kellie@shilohcotons.com
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White female puppy born Oct. 15th now available

Shiloh Cotons

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Updated February 18, 2025