Coton de Tulear Puppies and Adults are Available
If you are researching the unique Coton de Tulear companion dog, visit our Code of Ethics Breeders' websites and/or blogs for detailed breed information and to view their adorable Coton de Tulear puppies and exceptional parents.
Our Coton puppies are reserved quickly. Puppy announcements from the Breeders of Excellence are below. Please contact the individual breeders for the most current availability status.
The Coton de Tulear Breeders of Excellence health test all of our breeding dogs.
Health matters!
Shiloh Cotons is excited to announce the availability of a sweet little girl puppy born on October 15, 2025. She is completely white and has the most delightful personality. She would be a wonderful addition to an approved family home. For more information, please contact Kellie at 817-946-5645 or email kellie@shilohcotons.com..

Rock-A-Bye Cotons has two Beautiful, Happy, Loving Coton puppies that will be available for their new homes at the beginning of February 2025. The parents are Rock-A-Bye’s Tecanna and Jr. Ch. Rock-A-Bye’s Ilion Batiska. For thorough information, please call Maureen at (520) 404-7751. Visit Rock-A-Bye Cotons at: www.rockabyecotons.com.

Egyptian Cotons is expecting a litter in early April. Interested parties can reach out to Tracy and Kent at info@egyptiancotons.com. Potential homes must complete our Puppy Questionnaire before being considered or added to our wait list. For more information about us, visit www.egyptiancotons.com or Egyptian Cotons on Facebook.

Payzac Cotons has puppies available to approved homes. If you are interested in reserving an "Adorable Teddy Bear in Disguise", please contact Joanne at: payzaccotons@hotmail.com or (416) 282-9253. We invite you to visit our Facebook Page at: https://www.facebook.com/payzac.cotons/ and Blog at: https://payzaccotondetulear.blogspot.ca/.

To view all our Coton de Tulear Breeders of Excellence, their locations and future litter plans, click on Breeder Directory.
View the book slideshow below for a little preview of some of the beautiful Coton puppies current and past Breeders of Excellence have produced.
Click here to enjoy more slideshows in our Galleries