The Coton de Tulear Breeders of Excellence are guided by the principles of marvelous temperament, vigorous health, sound structure and physical traits, when evaluating potential parents for breeding suitability. We are committed to performing the appropriate health tests for each of our adult Cotons, based upon careful study of Coton de Tulear ancestors in their bloodlines. This knowledge has been garnered from many years of breeding experience, observation, and ongoing research. Our goal is to produce a healthy, happy, beautiful quality Coton puppy.
Following only club mandated testing requirements gives breeders a false sense of security. Although some organizations require their breeders to do health tests X,Y and Z, this does not ensure that those breeders are performing the proper tests to keep their personal breeding programs healthy and on track.
What to do if your Dog is Choking - 20 kb - 
What to do if you Find a Lost Dog - 36kb - 
Long Term Health Risks and Benefits
Associated with Spay/Neuter in Dogs - 95kb - 
Dr Jean Dodd's Canine Vaccination Protocol-2017
Rabies Challenge Fund
Dog Aging Project
Canine Health Bytes (free webinar series)
Veterinary Oral Health Council
Epigenetics: Your Dog's Genes Are Not His Destiny
Why DNA Tests Won't Make Dogs Healthier by Carol Beauchat PhD
Designer Genes - Genetic Managment or Misery by Catherine McMillan
Designer Genes - Beauty vs. Health by Catherine McMillan
The Ten Most Important Things to Know about Canine Hip Dysplasia by Carol Beauchat PhD
Disclaimer: The health links and material on this site are provided for educational and informational purposes only and are not intended to be a substitute for consultation with a veterinarian or other pet health care professional. The opinions presented on the links and in the material on this site reflect various sides of issues. No representation is made that any of the information provided on this web site or links from this web site is accurate. Additionally, any mention of commercial products or services within these web pages should not be viewed as an endorsement. Decisions with respect to the specific care and treatment of an animal should always be made with appropriate veterinary advice.

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